
A set of tools for organizing and processing DNA origami design data.

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Orders [TODO]

Draft Orders vs. Finalized Orders
Draft Orders Table
Orders Table
Order Detail
FAQ / Troubleshooting



Draft Orders vs. Finalized Orders

Nanotoolkit can generate and track design orders the lab makes for real-world material. An order can be in one of two states during the ordering process:

An order takes a few seconds (~10 seconds) for Nanotoolkit to generate the well layouts and other pertinent order information. During this time the order will show up in the Draft Orders - Processing Table on the Cart page.

Once Nanotoolkit has finished processing the designs and created all the necessary information, the order will move from the Processing table to the Draft Orders - Completed table. At this point all the required information has been generated, and the lab technician can use this information to place an order with a vendor. While the order is waiting to be fulfilled, it will remain in the Draft Orders table for reference. Clicking the order id in the table will bring up details for the Draft Order.

Finally, when the material has been received by the lab, the order is considered fulfilled. The user can enter a vendor number for the order, effectively marking it as “Finalized.” This will move the order from the Draft Orders table to the Orders page, where all past fulfilled orders are tracked.

Finalizing an Order

To finalize a draft order after material has been received:

  1. Find the order on the Cart page and select the order id.

  2. The Order Detail page will come up. Click the “Finalize” button in the top right corner.

  3. A dialog will pop up. Enter the Vendor Number associated with the order. This can be alphanumeric. The intent is to have a way to track the physical order in the lab. After entering a vendor number and clicking Enter, a confirmation will pop up and the order will be moved to the Orders page. drawing


Items are placed in the Cart from the Projects page. After selecting a project, all the designs for that project will be shown on the right side of the page.

Only eligible designs will have an “Add to Cart” icon available at the far right of the design row. Clicking this icon will add the design to the cart. Clicking it a second time will remove the item from the cart.

When a design has been added to the cart, it will be available to order on the Cart page. Orders are grouped by an underlying scaffold. In this way, designs that are otherwise unrelated by project or parent design will be grouped by scaffold.

The Cart table has the following columns:

Draft Orders Table

Draft Orders are listed in a table on the Cart page with the following columns:

Orders Table

Finalized Orders are listed in a table on the Orders page with the following columns:

Order Detail

Clicking on the Order Id of either a Draft Order or Finalized Order will navigate to the respective Order Detail page.

The Order Detail page contains several panels related to different parts of the order:


The Info panel contains general key information about the order. These include the following:


Regenerate Order

The Regenerate Order panel allows the user to make adjustments to the initial order settings and regenerate the order files based on those adjustments:


The Regenerate button can only be clicked if a change to the order settings is made. Clicking the button will make Nanotoolkit regenerate all the order files, which can take several seconds. Afterward, the user may refresh the page and see the new resultant outputs.


The Designs table displays pertinent information about the designs comprising an order. Depending on the Display setting in the Info panel (96 or 384), the table will show either 96- or 384-well image plates in the Plates column.

The table displays information for the following columns:

Stocks (96-well)

Destination Plates (384-well)

Stocks grouped by Design

FAQ / Troubleshooting